November 23, 2010

Language about the dead is stylistically quite distinct from language about the living.

So, this week is that tradition where we offer up thanks for that which aids us in our lives. I am pretty thankful that I am able to hear music in the way that I do. I will listen to a song and only pay attention to one single part for most of the song: latching on to a single piece and enjoying it. The rest of the song sort of fades out when I do that which is amazing I think: the power of concentration. Anyway, I love taking something that is organic in sound and turning it into that which is electronic. It sort of reminds me of how I listen to songs sometimes. I will play something on guitar and then crush it in sound until certain parts pop more than others and that same melody becomes different or filter another line with a bit of delay to produce something entirely different.
I probably deconstruct too many things, oh well. What is wrong with understanding how the parts interact with themselves, others, and the whole?
I have a seven hour day today and I stayed up way too late watching Wall Street Money Never Sleeps (which was unspectacular). I did, however, watch The Killer Inside Me and was completely horrified by the nature of the sociopathic character portrayed by Casey Affleck: crazy but gentlemanly polite and observing. Anyway,
8bits and Pieces


November 4, 2010

With You

" A few seconds more and the Negress will sing. It seems inevitable, so strong is the necessity of this music: nothing can interrupt it, nothing which comes from this time in which the world has fallen; it will stop of itself, as if by order. If I love this beautiful voice it is especially because of that: it is neither for its fulness nor its sadness, rather because it is the event for which so many notes have been preparing, from so far away, dying that it might be born. And yet I am troubled; it would take so little to make the record stop: a broken spring, the whim of Cousin Adolphe. How strange it is, how moving that this hardness should be so fragile. Nothing can interrupt it yet all can break it.
The last chord has died away. In the brief silence which follows I feel strongly that there it is, that something has happened.
Some of these days
You'll Miss me Honey."
~Sartre from "Nausea"
So, I did this next one in so little time that it is probably terrible; however, it is the first one that I have actually done lyrics for and sang on in a long time. I know I am not that great of a singer. I am aware of my out drift in and out of tune, yes. Oh well. I'll add the lyrics for clarity..

With You
I don’t wanna be afraid of everything we need to say. like how I shouldn't hide from the idea that I’m gonna die. And I know I shouldn’t fear something that happens when I am not here but that spot of matted grass; it once was cold and will be again when you are old. I won’t be there to share it with you. I won’t be there to share it with you..

I’d rather find which shade in the sky would compliment your eyes best. Instead, I’m cementing everything about that color and holding on. Moments cheek to cheek, they’ll be fading fast and fleet just don’t let them be your everything because I won’t be there to share it with you. I won’t be there to share it with you.

It is time for a ride in the rain to work.
more very soon.

September 22, 2010

A Pint of Plain is Your Only Man

So, I haven't really done a whole lot on here since I moved.
Oh yeah, I moved. I live in New England now.. Connecticut to be specific. I work two different jobs now... yeah, I sell candles to cougars at one (Yankee Candle) and super expensive clothing to little asian women at the other (place called Trailblazer and I want to buy lots of stuff there but I am poor). I've actually been doing a lot of music here but I have not been recording it. My cousin lets me use her guitar and I've been writing songs on it = amazing. I missed it so much, but I should get to recording some of those. I think I am going to record some homemade samples off it too which should be FUN (oh and maybe some glockenspiel samples!!).
Anyway, not to get sidetracked or anything, I work almost everyday, but I had some free time and got super bored + downloaded some Phoenix multi-tracks which = really terrible, uninspired, completely lazy remixes.
I didn't even level parts of the track and didn't bother to fix some of the vocal stuff I meant to fix.

atimallen v Rome's Phoenix

anyway, I thought I should, at the least, put something up here.


June 23, 2010

Simply Artificial Terrors

Ok. Since the World Cup is on, I have been pretty distracted from a lot of things. So, I decided to put up something that I did like last year or something. Plus, I can't sleep and am waiting for the US's final group stage game (we have to make it through!).
Summer solstice has passed and it's on the decline (yeah right. it's hot as fuck).
This track is pretty fun, something for dancing I guess. Anyway, loss for words.

Water Soluable

This girl looks like she's dancing to the track.
Ok, have fun.

June 4, 2010

The man climbed back. Out of the marvellous

So, I have been watching a ton of movies lately. Two that pop into my head are pretty interesting ones. First is called Cashback. It's a British film about this kid in art school who cannot sleep after a breakup and takes a job at night. Anyway, that is not why I really like the film. He goes into all of these ideals about beauty in the movie and I suppose I eat up any sort of dialogue about aesthetics, if only to consider and accept or reject it.
The other one, which I watched tonight, was called Visioneers. It has Zach Galifinakis in it and is sort an absurd black comedy. Well, it has this commentary on apathy and irrational dedication to productivity, but it sort of remains funny overall. I would recommend both of them, but Cashback is the better of the two.

So, The music. Just another piano melody. And, I forgot to level out the cymbals on the second half of the song... so.... yeah. That should be softer.

In D.


May 28, 2010

I woke up with the stars on my face.

So, here's just a tiny post. Sort of a comical one.
And, as is the customary action, I am including a photo I like.
I think this one catches the music in an odd way
an almost contrary way.

I had this little clip on my phone. When I did it, I had a few drinks.
So, I am a little flat in the beginning haha. But, I thought it would produce some laughs. You might want to turn it up a bit to listen to this since the audio quality isn't the greatest.

to download


May 26, 2010

Chauncey Gardiner

So we meet again.
Dr. Livingstone, I presume?
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick. (wow, great picture.)

I never seem to remain persistent with these things. I never exhibit constant vigilance in keeping rhythm between posts.
But! I do have ideas. I have a lot of great samples and scribbles that need tending.
I thought about this blog as a result of me watching a movie and it giving me this sort of urge to start something of a review of movies sort of thing on a different blog; although, as the evidence of this blog shows, I am unsure as to how well I would fare with that.
Wow, I really don't know why I am avoiding colloquial speech. Anyway, I watched Being There: Peter Sellers' penultimate film. It is amazing. Unknowingly witty. Watch that stuff!

So, on to the music. That's what this damned blog is about right? Expressing emotion through sound and not through words.
I have a little Piano thing this time. Every time I get on the piano I seem to write in really odd keys. Not your everyday major or minor, but I guess it works out. My cousin said it sounds like something that could be in a movie underscore so I guess that is pretty amazing.

Piano in Aeolian Mode C.

I will be back with more soon.

April 2, 2010

Good Knight

Ah, Wall Street. Great movie.
The acting is amazing, but I also love the soundtrack.
The really ambient strings that seem foreboding that come at the end with the pull back shot... it sets a stark reality to it too.

Anyway, enough of that.
Now, for the second part of the A Link to the Past series.
I believe the samples used come from the part where you find the master sword, but I am not sure. I would have to check again.
Oh, and the the middle, gets a bit ridiculous. Oh well.

Good Knight


March 31, 2010

Danse du Chevalier

So, I have decided to do a series of sorts I guess.
Where I take a sample from one source and see where it goes.
I figure it will be, at least, a three part series.
And what better to use as a source than:
Zelda: A Link to the Past! Yeah, nerd.

This sample comes from the opening credits of the game. It is not much but serves at the basis. Link is a fucking badass by the way.

Danse du Chevalier

Monday was the start of me getting back into shape. Starting off with two miles everyday is a bit harsh but I always have high expectations of myself on that kind of thing. So, yeah, I am sore but it is nice.

I need another haircut. I have to keep the pretty boy look going, right?
And.....this guy is awesome and probably into linguistics.


March 26, 2010

Attention Deficit Composer

Recent activity is, apparently, on a high.
I suppose that if necessity breeds innovation, boredom necessitates supplementation.
Or something like that.
Or maybe it is that the lack of sleep when supplemented to creativity engenders mediocrity or inattention.

Who knows? Who cares?
Maybe it is the simulacra that pushes through and any ideas found at the time are only misrepresented or ill interpreted?
I am rambling.

Music that sort of goes along with all that I suppose.

Attention Deficit Composer


March 19, 2010

Springtime, The only pretty ring time.

So, it has been WAY too long since I have put something up on this.
I did upload a sort of song on my myspace page--I might put this up on there too.
Go check that out or something.

It feels amazing out which has prompted me to go kick the ball around a lot more = I am sore.
However, it is exercise and so much fun. I miss it a lot. Going to play a lot more.. my finishing is a lot better than I remember it being too... so that is awesome.

Let us get to the business then.
Wanted to do something with a 90s bass hahah. makes me laugh.

