December 26, 2011

Christmas Staycation

Considering the time between posts, I expect to be slightly tight lipped this time around--for fear of rambling.
One space, not two, after a period is the more common modern practice. In undergraduate classes, I was, shall we say, a bit Victorian on the matter. I also wrote my papers single spaced. It always made for a dramatic reveal when I felt stuck at a point. And yes, I have rambled now. One sentence in and I have successfully rambled.

I suppose I should mention the holiday. I did, in fact, go to the beach; however, the whole day did not seem that much different that most. I did wear festive colors though, so that was fun.

Bokeh seem to dominate pictures this time of year.

So, I wrote this one fairly quickly and with a person and an idea in mind. The vocal loops clip a bit but I suppose I am okay with that. Like I have mentioned before, I am no musical engineer and have not in my possession a studio. It is called

Explanations aren't always easy. Sometimes they aren't something pleasing. We all, well, we all tend to argue someway; but, it's okay when it's something playful. All of it doesn't matter when you've got somebody to hold you--even those things that you disagree on, those too. And, like glue, all that remains are the things that we do admire. It's so true: it builds on the affection that it inspires. So, remember, explanations and arguments aside, the only thing left to hide is a smile.

It's weird how this reminds me of my small town but it's right outside my building.

Anyway, my work is done here.
More soon.

December 22, 2011

The Veriest Charlie Brown, Linus.

Hanukkah started last night and Christmas is right around the corner. The holidays are upon us. I would probably be lying if I said I was super happy to be spending them in Miami--is asking for a little snow just too much? Though, I do enjoy the prospect of being able to go to the beach on Christmas day if I am so inclined. That would be a first. Well, it might not... I did live in Hawaii when I was a child; so, it is pretty probably that I spent a Christmas on or near a beach. Damn, there goes the first for everything column.
Interjection: this cat really wants to clean my beard... ALL the time.
My favorite thing about this time of year is a combination of things really: winter clothes, snow, breathing really deep through  your nose just to feel the cold air, a red nose on a girl, and the old style Christmas lights at night. I have to admit, though, there is probably more than that.

So, I suppose that I should post more than one song to commemorate the two holidays. Sadly, I am not going to do a Hanukkah song. Instead, I will post an ambient instrumental I did that sounds awfully drenched in a certain culture.
Uta Ichiban
The other, is my hurried and probably off kilter attempt, thanks to you mr. drink, of a Charlie Brown Classic:
Christmastime Is Here
Maybe, sometime soon, I will finish one of those actual songs that I have been working on, but, until then I guess you will have to make due with this.