One space, not two, after a period is the more common modern practice. In undergraduate classes, I was, shall we say, a bit Victorian on the matter. I also wrote my papers single spaced. It always made for a dramatic reveal when I felt stuck at a point. And yes, I have rambled now. One sentence in and I have successfully rambled.
I suppose I should mention the holiday. I did, in fact, go to the beach; however, the whole day did not seem that much different that most. I did wear festive colors though, so that was fun.
Bokeh seem to dominate pictures this time of year.
So, I wrote this one fairly quickly and with a person and an idea in mind. The vocal loops clip a bit but I suppose I am okay with that. Like I have mentioned before, I am no musical engineer and have not in my possession a studio. It is called
Explanations aren't always easy. Sometimes they aren't something pleasing. We all, well, we all tend to argue someway; but, it's okay when it's something playful. All of it doesn't matter when you've got somebody to hold you--even those things that you disagree on, those too. And, like glue, all that remains are the things that we do admire. It's so true: it builds on the affection that it inspires. So, remember, explanations and arguments aside, the only thing left to hide is a smile.
It's weird how this reminds me of my small town but it's right outside my building.
Anyway, my work is done here.
More soon.
Nice song :))